I'm relaxing in the warm and humid climes of Derby. I've been doing little other than relaxing, reading under the air conditioner and eating, so I can feel myself expanding. I got in to Broome on Saturday to exit the plane to a smouldering humidity which, after the cool climes of the airplane and Perth, made you feel like someone was sitting on your chest. It was also still fairly warm, and remained that way until we completed the drive back to Derby.
On the drive to Derby I was on Brahman watch, just to make sure a stupid yearling didn't decide that it would be a good idea to run out in front of the car at the last second. Thankfully, we didn't see any, but we did see about five King Brown snakes warming themselves on the road. They generally got out of our road, except for one who was not quite so lucky who was sitting right over the middle of the road.
We arrived to a hot house and two excited dogs.
Since then it's been quiet relaxation, with occasional gorging on some delicious meal Clare cooked up and the odd wander around town in Clares little buzzbox. And if you really want to know what I'm eating, heres one we prepared earlier.
This was the pre-Christmas roast, which was scrumptious, and which I'm still eating. Even now as I type. Then for Christmas Clare cooked up a marinated turkey breast, stuffed with roast pine nuts, capers, apricots and spices. That was damn nice as well, and again, I'm still eating it now.
Other than eating I've been kept entertained by reading and playing with the dogs.
The one on the left is Luci (pronounced Loo-chee, short for Luciano), the one on the right is Lucky. They're very cute, and having a human pay them attention is the single most exciting thing that could possibly ever happen to them.
But one cannot stand the other getting attention when they're not. So patting one of the dogs will inevitably end with the other forcing their way in front of the other and pushing them out of the road. Then it's a lickfest for my attention. My knees and elbows have never been licked so much in my life (not through want of trying). After this the dog not getting attention will roll over and start biting the other on the legs, dragging it to the ground. At this point, I've become redundant as the dogs will proceed to wrestle each other for at least the next five minutes.
And these are some of the visitors we've had.
Here's one of the many gecko's that sit on the windows and eat the bugs attracted to the lights on inside the house.
Then theres the Shower Frog, that lives in the s-bend of the shower. It comes up through the plughole every time you take a shower in an effort to avoid the water flowing down the drain.
I unfortunately didn't think of taking a photo of the Green Tree Frog that popped up through the lav and curled up on the wall in the corner of the room (edit: We've just had two appear on the back door, so here they are).
It also shat on the cistern, hence the title of this blog. This particularly friendly feller then wandered down the corridor in the middle of the night and ended up climbing into bed with me. Well, under the mattress, as I discovered the next day when I put it away for the day.
Well, Clare is coming home for lunch and I'm going to head off and explore in the afternoon, so I'll sign off for now. Just as a closer, heres a picture of the two of taken on Christmas day.